The service includes an introductory meeting, analysis of the client’s needs and advice focused on his needs. After that, opening account files in the various authorities – National Insurance, Income Tax and VAT.
Our office is a service office for payroll services, including payroll for companies and freelancers alike. The service includes preparing monthly and annual reports for the employer and employees, producing slips for employees, reports for the employer, costing, care for provident funds – including reports in a uniform interface according to the regulations in combination with work with an operating entity, finalizing accounts for employees, social security issues, professional accompaniment on salary issues and more.
Filing and processing of annual reports of individuals such as self-employed, employees, tax returns.
Israeli companies are required to conduct an external audit of the annual financial statements. We provide audit services and preparation of annual financial reports for companies as well as reports for income tax purposes. Our office specializes in Israeli accounting and auditing rules (Israeli GAAP). The final result is an auditor’s report opinion on the financial statements and their submission to the various tax authorities.
Ongoing treatment and representation at the Tax Authority and National Insurance.
Reach out today and let us know how our staff can help you!